Style Spotlight: Tiffany and Amber Davis

Style Spotlight: Tiffany and Amber Davis

Amber Davis (@amber_l_davis) and Tiffany Davis (@prettyshindig) are the founders of
Context & Co (@contextandco), a new-age marketing start up that focuses on intuitive storytelling.

Having both spent years in the world of branding for various fashion/media companies (Vogue, NBC, Ann Taylor to name a few), the duo started Context & Co to help brands create a story, while taking control of their own narratives. Read below to find out how these power sisters get it done! 


Why did you start your company? What is your company’s mission?

I like to say that we help brands' outsides match their insides -- helping them show up in the world owning the values, offerings, and stories that set them apart and make them special. Our approach is grounded in intelligence, creativity, and authenticity — which keeps me inspired to get down to work each day.

Do you have advice you can share with other girl bosses starting their own businesses?

Be aware of what's going on. Be inspired as much as humanly possible. But don't let it dictate where you're going. It's impossible to own any lane but your own. (And it's NO fun trying to.) 


How have you had to adjust your business strategies in light of the COVID-19 pandemic? 

The executions of our ideas have shifted, but our vision has remained the same. It's been so heartening to watch our content creator friends and collaborators solve into social distancing...but also a welcome challenge to brands to be aware that "aspiration" doesn't have to look and feel the way it used to. Now it’s about something deeper than trends and consumption. It's nice to partner with more people on the same page about that, and looking to meet the world through a more holistic, intelligent POV.

Tiffany and Amber Davis wearing the Sutton Slip On and Sutton Sneaker in New York City

Tiffany and Amber Davis wearing the Sutton Slip On and Sutton Sneaker in New York City

How have you been finding peace and escape during COVID-19? Any favorite spots in NYC?

Sheltering in place has given me a new love (and nesting instinct) for my own home and natural spaces. I've built in more rituals around simple things like stretching on a yoga mat before leaving my bedroom, or putting a few drops of essential oil in the shower and letting it steam up before I step in. My partner and I are also relishing park date nights in a new hammock I got him for a recent anniversary. (Yes, we are that couple, haha.)

What do you enjoy about the Sutton’s? How do they function within your busy work/personal life?  

Super comfy. And -- as if they could get any cuter -- they come in every color of the rainbow.

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